Our Garden

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Garden update

The garden is looking a bit bleak now. Most things dying off.
The Hibiscus's are blooming - we need more to bloom in this season
The Black Eyed Susans are blooming but they are not placed in the garden very well at this time.

Next year we need more to bloom in late summer.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

So last week, surprisingly, the Hyperion Lily bloomed even though I planted it only a few days earlier. Very pretty.

Today I read that the Hyperion Lily has a nice fragrance, I will have to go smell it!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

So.. what's happened in the last 10 days...

We mulched the rest of the beds. Our usual mulch place was closed (unexpected) and so we had to go scurrying around to find another comparable one. We learned of one in Tynsboro and went there, but our experience with this vendor was absolutely horrendous. We feel they short changed us and when we politely called to ask about it, they called us back and screamed at us on the phone and were very disrespectful. In the end, their quality of mulch was very poor as well and I believe it is colored and not pure hemlock. I won't put their name on this web page, but will tell you if you ask.

So, after mulching, we admired that it looked SOOO much better without the weeds. :-)

We weren't able to redo the whole flower area's as much as we wanted to before the spring was up, so we have some Fall work to do or next Spring work to do.

Last weekend was a nice Sunday, it rained on Saturday a bit.

I planted Columbine babies (either white or yellow I'm told). Hopefully they will come back next year as I thought they were annuals that reseeded or biennials or something. I used to have really pretty Violet and blue ones and hope to find some like that in the future. I currently have yellow only.

I also planted a Hyperion Day Lily that was given to me by Christine. I put it near a few Orange daylilies so that next year there will be a mix of colors in that one spot.

I also dug up around my tomatoes (all of them) and put down peat and fertilizers because they are not doing as well as I had hoped. I'm kind disappointed at their progress right now. The plants have very little foliage and are starting to flower, so I'm worried. One of the plants has tomatoes starting already. I was hoping this year that the tomatoe plants would be much bigger since we put a lot of composted manure and ammended the bed. I might need to put down more manure or somethng else. If anyone has any suggestions, I would appreciate it.

The Evening primrose seems to be blooming continuously for the last 2 weeks or so and what used to be a tiny plant is taken over a 4 square foot area in my front bed. That was a surprise to me ;-) I will try and take pictures.

Also staked one of my plants that Christine gave me (don't know name) and it is surviving but barely. Another one she gave me (again, don't know name) is doing pretty well, she told me to cut it down (I was worried) but new leaves have come up. I'm wondering if I should do the same with the first one.

The Artichoke annual she gave me is starting to stand up - so that's good news.

One of the iris bunches she gave ms is starting to die out - hopefully normal growth.

Lastly, our miniature peach we got 3 years ago - though it isn't very bushy (we need advice on dissease and pruning) has 3 growing peaches on it. Its not a very pretty tree yet but it has potential. Its a miniature Peach tree we got at Home Depot a few years back. This year some of the leaves looked like they were sick, but about 90 % are good looking. We saw 6 baby peaches at one time but we think the wind blew off the rest.

That's it for now.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

No gardening today ;-(

No gardening today but will try and get pictures in so that we can start identifying ;)

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Some more names

Ok... so after talking with Sue, we have some more names of plants....

  • Feverfew - pretty white flowers
  • Columbine - babies - white or yellow
  • Siberian Iris - a LOT of them - which are similar to French Iris

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

6/28/05 Garden update

So, through a friend, Don, I was hooked up to another friend, Christina, who is a gardner and a client of hers wants to give away iris's to a good home and also, she is moving away and wants to give away her plants to good homes. I went last night with a friend, Sue to a beautiful place in Carlisle. Christina gave us so many plants, I started feeling very guilty about it. Unfortunately I didn't write down the names, so now I have no idea what most of them are! ;-) The adventures of gardening. The mosquitoes were out in full force and biting like crazy but Christina patiently offered more and more things to us and we took many many things to enhance our garden.

This morning, in our side garden, I planted a lot of the iris's.

Of the names of things I remember her giving us...

  • Bee Balm
  • Tons of Iris's - some orange, some yellow, some others...
  • Chives
  • Pretty white flowers
  • Other tall things, I don't recall...

So.. it will be an adventure next year....

Monday, June 27, 2005

6/27/05 - Garden update

Welcome to my new gardening blogger.

I'm new to perennial gardening in New England (Boston Area) and I thought I'd start this to keep track of things as well as to learn.

So, what's up?

This weekend we MULCHED and MULCHED and WEEDED and MULCHED.

Also, today, my friend Sue, gave me a perennial called "Cranesbill". It has the cutest pink flowers. I like the shade of pink very much, and the leaves are sure unusual. I'm going to put it in one of my beds at home.

Also, for her, I bought (at her request) some fox gloves and gave her a rose campion and a day lily. She is working on expanding her flower garden.

One thing I'm struggling with is the design of my garden. Right now, there is the Builder plants and then separately beds of flowers. The flower beds that are separate from the house are fine. The ones in front of the house feel a bit awkward. More on that later.
